Saturday, October 3, 2009

Go to Work or Stay Home?

I came across an article on Somebody Heal Me by Diana Lee titled Migraines Cause Lost Productivity Whether Employees Come to Work or Stay Home which talked about an article about Going To Work With A Migraine? New Study Says Work Productivity Is The Same As Staying Home. This study was presented at this year's International Headache Congress in Philadelphia.

I found these statistics in the article from the study very interesting: The prospective study of 509 Migraineurs resulting in 1,527 Migraine attacks found that 28% of workday Migraines resulted in absenteeism while 11% resulted in a full day of work lost, 5% led to a late arrival, and 12% led to leaving work early. Presenteeism, staying at work with a Migraine, was observed in 62% of workday Migraines.

First of all, I will admit that I am usually a presenteeist. This is something I have struggled with almost everyday. Even before I realized that my just headaches were Migraines, I knew there were times I just couldn't function as well as I should. What was I supposed to do? Call out for just a headache and almost everyday? And because I had always worked through my just headaches, could I really change my patterns now?

I'm sure this is one of the roots of my Migraines, but given my situation, I find it hard to make another choice on a consistent basis especially since I bring in the only income for my family while I have two children in college. I am trying to work on doing what is best for me and my family. I have called out a little more, but it scares me every time I do and still makes me wonder if I would have been better going into work. Some days probably yes, other days definitely not.

Part of my perpetual cycle is because I am sort of part of the presenteeism statistic because when I know I am not putting in a full day of work on some days, I don't feel like I can leave until I have put in my honest day's work. How can I leave until I have worked a real day for my employer? It's also easier to work later because it gets much quieter and my head actually feels like it gets cooler or is not on fire and settles down more. I don't want to do the wrong thing for my employer and I don't want to do the wrong thing for me.

Do I go to work or stay home?

This is why I work so hard to find the right doctor so we can work together to find the right preventatives. We will get there. We have to. At least I wouldn't be asking myself this question as often.

1 comment:

FIGHTER said...

i hear ya...know where you are coming from....:)